Hi Everyone, I posted some of these little paintings recently here on my blog, sold several at my last show and painted a few more. Anyway I have decided to offer them here for a week with a buy it now option and after that I will list them on Ebay. They are oil on 6 X 6 gallery canvases that are 1 1/2" deep. Sweet little paintings that will set on a shelf or can be hung on the wall. Thought I would offer them to my blog followers at a set price first. They are $35 plus $6 shipping through paypal. I will only ship within the lower 48 states of the U.S. Email me with any questions. Have a great day. The buttons are here in order of the photos, check the name when you get to paypal to make sure you are purchasing the correct painting. #1Bloomin Happy-SOLD, #2Blue Pottery #3Sunflowers #4 Red Geraniums #5Mug w/ Sunflowers. Sorry that my photography isn't the best, if you like these in the photos you will love them in person.

Blue Pottery
Red Geraniums
Mug w/ Sunflowers