Hello there, I had a wonderful day. I visited the Cincinnati art museum with my hubby, daughter and grandson. They are having several temporary displays this summer and the whole event is called "See America". Anyone that was in our local arts council had the opportunity to submit work to be considered for one of their displays and they chose two of mine. It is such a thrill to hang in the museum. The first photo shows the sign displayed that explains the show. The second photo is of my landscape and myself and the third is my cute redheaded grandson and my other painting they included.
I'll be outside again tomorrow painting with my group, we have been trying to get out at least once a week but have to work around the rain and heat. See you soon.
Congratulations, Barbara. That smile on your face says it all!
Congrats on being chosen to display in the museum. That is a big thing. Love your paintings.
Thank you so much Josh, you are so sweet.
Thank you Carol, it was so cool.
Thanks Lokelani, didn't think I would ever have anything in the art museum even if it is just temporary.
Congratulations, Barb. How very, very exciting!
Thank you so much Bernard, I am pretty happy about it.
Congratulations! How exciting to have your paintings displayed in the museum. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog.
Nice of you to visit me Michelle, please stop by again.
They look GREAT, Barbara! Congratulations, how exciting.
Thank you so much Diane, was exciting to visit the museum and know that I have some work there.
Just want to add my congratulations for you having work in the museum. Great painting.
Thanks for coming over to see my blog. Good to hear from you.
How bout that Susan and her great stories on traveling?
Hi Peggy, Good to see you too. Can't wait to hear Susan's stories, how exciting for her. We need her to come back and paint for us, lol.
Hey - you shouldn't have to work around the rain if you are painting in oil. Get out there and get wet.
The paintings, painter, and family all look great - must have been a fine day!
Haha, I'm a wimp. You're right though, the rain would probably feel good. It was such a nice day at the museum, thank you.
Congratulations! Beautiful paintings in a great setting.
Thank you very much Jo :)
Fantastic! Such an honor.
Thanks Mary, makes me pretty happy.
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