Available Paintings

Monday, April 18, 2011

Red Tulips in Glass

Hello, I painted this a few weeks ago and had such a great time painting it, one of those paintings that kind of painted itself. Every once in a while it goes like that and it is such a pleasure. Glass can be great fun to paint, trying to paint the colors I see and then use the highlights to finish it off. I have an Analogous color wheel, google it if you aren't sure what it is. You choose your dominant color on the wheel and it shows you the complement color and two other colors called "discord", colors that you might use in a small amount to direct the eye where you want. This painting with the red and different purples are considered dominant and adjacent hues so hopefully it is pleasing to the eye. It is oil on a 8 x 10 stretched canvas.

Check out some of my artwork on Ebay

Happy Painting!


Dar Presto said...

Well done, Barb! It's so lovely. Awesome paint handling and tulip-y gesture.

I've been watching quietly, enjoying your work in my inbox. Thanks for sharing it.

DA Schuster Fine Art said...

Great Barb! Like the lighter backgrounds.

Barbara Pask said...

Hi there Dar! Thank you so much. I check in on your blog from time to time , I miss your posts. I hope you are well and happy.

Barbara Pask said...

Well thank you Don!

Art with Liz said...

These are beautiful! You're so good with getting those glass vases spot on!

Marie Theron said...

The glass vase is so effective, I love the water and reflexions and the blue/red contrast!

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you so much Liz! Sometimes it goes really well and other times, ahh. LOL

Barbara Pask said...

I am so glad you like it Marie. The colors a bit unusual for me but I liked the way it came out.