Available Paintings

Friday, August 17, 2012

Inviting Pathway

Hello there This painting was started on location and finished in my studio, it is acrylic on a 8 x 10 Raymar panel. I liked it so much I am painting it on a 16 x 20 canvas. I really like the light in the background and how it draws your eye there. I hope you like it too. I hope you are having a wonderful day.


hmuxo said...

Very beautiful and peaceful painting, Barbara...love those greens..and makes you want to follow the path!!

Dean H. said...

You are right about this painting, Barbara! The light is excellent!

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you so much Hilda, I try to vary the greens for interest and always get some orange in there. So glad you like it.

Barbara Pask said...

Thanks Dean! I thought it had a nice feel, I have seen similar light settings often.