Hi there, I painted this a couple of weeks ago and may go back in and tweek it a bit yet. I cut some blooms from my Rose of Sharon bush and set this up. I love purple, my favorite color. This little bowl I picked up a while back keeps showing up in my paintings, what can I say? I like it! This is oil on a 8 x 10 Raymar panel.
I painted in Milford yesterday at the OPAS event, Ohio Plein Air Society. A fun day, artists painting all over town and then we meet for a wet paint sale. I love seeing the results of the event. I painted 2 6x6 panels and was pretty happy with them. I received some nice comments on them but they didn't sell. Oh well, no regrets it was a fun day. All we can do is try to do our best work and the rest is up to the customer I guess. I think it's a tricky business, selling I mean. I want the customer to love my painting and buy the work for that reason. I want to be friendly and not pushy but I notice some artists are kind of all over people and I see that sometimes works for them. How do you handle customers that attend shows?
I deleted a few artists from my blog list, I am sorry if you happen to be one. I hate to send people over to blogs that haven't been updated in months but I completely understand if you can't keep up with your blog for some reason, life happens.
Thank you for visiting