Available Paintings

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Walking the Dog

Hello, Painted this one yesterday, it's painted in oils on a 8 X 10 canvas board. Just got in from plein air painting, such pretty weather. I live right in front of a park so I take my camera on my walks always on the look out for things to paint. Legs and dogs are my subject of interest right now, that may change. Enjoy your day.



Susan Carlin said...

The shadows are my favorite part of this painting. Love the strong color and what they add to the composition. Great subject matter- can't wait to see more! (Fun to "see" you at davethepaintingguy tonight.)

Barbara Pask said...

I am so hooked on watching Dave paint, thanks for turning me onto him. I'm glad you like this, I am having so much fun doing something different. More dogs to come.

"K" said...

Do you have any paintings of Magnolias?

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Kay, You know I've never tried to paint a magnolia???? The gal I take lessons from Mary Jean Weber has a small magnolia painting you can check out. I'll attach a link to her web page her. When you get there hit on miniatures and then it's #39, see what you think. It's small, one bloom. Thanks for asking.
