Merry Christmas, Well this is my painting for Karin Jurick's challenge. I was sent a photo of a sweet looking lady. I painted her twice actually. The first time was a 8 X 10 and I didn't quite get the tilt of her head right and it made her face look too wide. So I thought I would try it again, why not, I had time and it's good practice. So this one is a 6 X 6 masonite panel and I think it is more painterly and a better likeness of her. I like to thin down my paint and sketch the likeness on, I get a lot of satisfaction doing it that way. Well it will be interesting to see her likeness of me, Karin said we can swap them later on if we want to. Hope she wants this, lol. I decided to add the photo reference I worked from, I like to see what others are working from. Soooo here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Barb, I would recognize that face anywhere, silver hair also.
Good job.
It is really nice that you knew it was you, lol. I'm can't wait to see mine.
Ha, you found each other awfully quick, are you two friends? I still don't know who I painted, but it was fun and that's what I chalk these up to, fun and practice. It takes practice, practice, practice with portraits. I have been at this for years. You just starting (and I think I have seen several months of them)? It looks good!
Hi Pattie, We do know each other somewhat through the blog world. When she saw her portrait posted she knew it was her. Guess that's a good thing, lol. Thanks for the kind words, I will keep practicing.
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