Available Paintings

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Hi, I just love old houses like this, don't know why I don't paint them more often. I like this panoramic view , this canvas measures 10" x 20". This photograph was pure luck, the house sets on a busy highway and my husband opened his window because it was on his side and I took it at just the right moment shooting by in the car. Enjoy your day!


J. Crawford Art said...

Great Painting Barb

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Janice, Thank you, so glad you like it.

CandynRA said...

Very nice landscape, Barb. I hope to try some landscapes soon. You do a great job! Happy Anniversary, too, btw!

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Candy, Thanks so much, I just jump from subject to subject. Seem to enjoy it all. Thanks for the good wishes too. :)

Susan Carlin said...

I really like the dimensions you chose for this painting... and the composition. You get a real sense of place that a regular rectangle doesn't offer. Nice, Barb!

Barbara Pask said...

Thanks so much Susan, I am so loving this panoramic view that I will have to do others. Glad you like it.

http://www.onpainting.wordpress.com said...

A lovely painting that inspires peace.

Barbara Pask said...

Such nice words Bill, I like that. Thank you

Carol said...

Lovely peaceful painting Barbara. It is always a pleasure to visit! Thank you for sharing.

Barbara Pask said...

Always a pleasure to have you come by Carol. Thank you

Art with Liz said...

This is really lovely Barbara and you're right, you should really do more of old houses - you're jolly good at doing them!

laine lea said...

so beautiful ..and peaceful Barb!

Barbara Pask said...

HI Liz, love the way you talk and especially the things you say, lol.

Barbara Pask said...

Why thank you Laine. :)

Karen Hargett said...

I love this painting Barb - you should definitely do more like it.

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Karen, I'm glad you stopped by and I am happy you like my painting.