Available Paintings

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My Newest Teapot

Hi Everyone, Well I'm so bad, I bought yet another teapot. I was in a antique store near here and I fell in love with this brass teapot. I think part of the reason it appealed to me so much is because it is so much like one that C.W. Mundy paints in one of his dvds and I love his work. I enjoyed my first try at it and I'll give it another go before too long. This is oil on a 8 x 10 stretched canvas.

Very excited about this Monday, we have a model coming in for my Monday painting group. She's a beautiful young gal and it is always such a treat to have a live model. Hopefully I'll get something I won't be embarrassed to show you, lol.

Check out my paintings on Ebay~ free shipping~ great Christmas gifts

Good to see you <3


hmuxo said...

This brass teapot is painted beautifully, Barbara!! I love the reflection of that gorgeous pear in the teapot. "Down on the Farm" is wonderful as well!! Great shadow work..I look forward to your next piece.

Barbara Pask said...

You are so kind Hilda, thank you so much.

mary maxam said...

I think brass is a hard color to nail and you've done a super job here. I love Mundy too- good inspiration!

Barbara Pask said...

Thanks Mary! I'm glad you think I got it right, always a challenge.

http://www.onpainting.wordpress.com said...

I like this piece and especially that yellow pear. It is so appealing.

Barbara Pask said...

Thanks Bill, Good to see you, happy you like my painting too.