Available Paintings

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Rooster

Hi everyone, I acquired this old chalkware rooster from my grandmother. I set it up with a light on it and painted it in oils. It was really fun to paint, so many colors. This is on a 8 x 10 stretched canvas. Heading out tomorrow to paint plein air, first time this year. I don't do much painting outside but I think it is good for you. Actually painting from life is always the best way to go if possible, a still life, landscape or a live model if you have the opportunity. I think if you do paint from life it helps when you paint from photographs as most of us have to do.


Carol Blackburn said...

Hi Barbara,
Well, you've done him proud! Great job. I tried to start a painting with oils today and gave up. Very intimidating. I promptly went back to the acrylics. No doubt about it, I need to find a mentor in my area. Unfortunately, the artists I've approached aren't very receptive. I'm willing to pay for their time and it seems beneath them to teach. Do you know any artists in western Maine?
Willing to teach, that is. I tried online and, no luck there either.

Barbara Pask said...

Sorry you are having a problem finding a teacher. Not everyone can teach and some don't want to. I love oils but it was challenging when I started with them. The good thing is that you can blend them, the bad thing is that you can blend them, lol. Easy to over blend them too. Easy to make muddy colors. I would suggest you start with a limited palette, a warm and cool of each primary and white. Learn to mix the colors you need, try to lay them down and not play with them too much. I purchased a lot of books and dvds for instruction along with lessons and workshops. You can view the dvds over and over. don't give up, it gets better. I love them now, the look and feel of them.

Debra Bryant said...

Barb, I love your little chalk rooster, and the chicken is a sweet one too. I am so proud that you paint so much. I have friends who paint once a week and think that is enough. It is disheartening to me that I can't pound sense into them. Have a great time with plein-aire tomorrow! Debra

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you so much Debra. It is so great to know you, someone that can relate to how driven I am. We need to live closer to one another, we could hang and paint, lol. I admire the dedication and work you put into your art, you deserve to get everything you want out of it.

Dean H. said...

Beautiful job on the rooster, Barbara. Definitely has that Alla Prima feel!

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Dean, happy you like him.