Available Paintings

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rose of Sharon

Hi, Another little flower painting. I have this gorgeous Rose of Sharon bush next to my house so I cut a few and put them in one of the little Ball jars that I have. The flowers are fun to paint but this jar is just too much fun. This is acrylic on a 8 x 10 canvas. I applied texture first in a kind of sunburst pattern. Thank you for visiting. :)


hmuxo said...

Beautifully painted, Barbara...you paint these ball jars perfectly!

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Hilda, I started with a black background and I think that works really well for painting these jars.

Debra Bryant said...

That jar is MAGNIFICENT! ...rich and colorful. No holding back on that one :)

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Debra, I started with a black canvas on this one and I think that helped.