Available Paintings

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Reflections, Oil 8 X 10

Hi, I did another landscape, hope you like it. I painted outside the last two summers with varied results. I had pretty much decided maybe landscape painting wasn't for me. Painting from a photo is a lot easier than painting on site at least for me. Do you think that as an artist you should be known primarily for painting one thing, still life, landscapes, animals, etc.? Appreciate your input. Happy painting. Barb


Frank Gardner said...

I like you landscapes too Barb. I think you should just paint as much as you can of whatever you want.
Painting from a photo can be easier, but it may be harder to let yourself edit and move things around, see accurate color etc...

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Frank, Always appreciate your input, that's probably what I'll do. I'll just keep painting what interest me. I do crop my photos trying to get the best part of them. Still lifes are good practice for everything. They're not for wimps, you have to get things exactly right. Glad you had a good workshop, must be wonderful to live where you have so much warm weather. Barb

Marie Fox said...

For me, this painting has a very peaceful feeling - because of the subject but also because of the colors and way you've applied them. About your question - I do feel that viewers want to see a certain consistency in an artist's work. Maybe it's subject matter, style or color palette, maybe it's all of these. My guess is that for an artist it's good to produce a body of work that's distinctively "yours" and then branch out.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Marie for your complement and your input on my question. I know I have a lot to learn so maybe after a time I'll settle into a certain subject or style. Right now I feel that I'm just trying everything and maybe that's the way it should be. I notice for example when viewing Daily Painters some artists I can always pick out their work and some I can't. Seems like it would be a good thing if people recognized your work?????

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

I do think your work should be recognizable as you.
You are very motivated and your work is very good.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Mary, I am motivated but I think I'm still trying to find myself. I feel like I'm all over the place. I'll figure it out one day.

FCP said...

Hi Barbara,
I really like this painting, very nice reflections.
And I have always heard you should "pick one thing"and stick with it in order to learn all you can about it and improve your work. And while I see the merit in that, I think if you paint what you are drawn to, what you love, then what you excel in and are known for will find you. (hope that makes sense) Keep up the great work.

kathrynlaw said...

I agree with Faye. Your own individual style will emerge, as you "find your voice" in painting. It's something that you can influence, but you can't ultimately control it--it just happens. The way to get there is to do exactly what you're doing: paint lots.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Kathryn, You know we all try to analyze what we're doing, you're probably right just best to let it happen as it should. Barb