Available Paintings

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Portrait from my workshop

Hi,  Well this is the portrait from my weekend workshop. This is oil on a 16 X 20 stretched canvas.  The first day it did not look like her much,  it really helps to walk away for a while or overnight.  The second day I got my burnt umber back out and really tried to figure out why it didn't look like the model.  I made changes where I saw them,  had the teacher come over to check out my changes before I started back in on the color.  She was very complementary all day, never made any changes to it and at the critique at the end seemed very pleased with what I painted.  So now I have this somewhat large painting of this strange lady, lol.  She is for sale if you need her hanging in your home.  I have taken several workshops, I take a little away from each but once again I think the learning comes in just painting, painting, painting.  Do you?  


Perform said...

How great was that? Nice temperature changes and values. I always dislike my own workshop paintings. Usually wind up tossing them. You've got something to be proud of!

Irene Rencsi said...

Great job with this one, Barb!

Barbara Pask said...

Thanks so much Bev, I know it shouldn't matter if we bring home something we like as we are there to learn. Don't know about you but it makes me feel better to bring home a decent painting.

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Irene, I appreciate that so much. I also appreciate the retweet, we should all start doing that for each other. I will from now on.

laine lea said...

Barb your portraits are so nice - and how great to bring home a likable piece!! Happy painting!

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Laine, I appreciate that, I have worked hard on my portraits but am still very new at it.

m1 Designs said...

HI Barbara, Thank you for visiting my blog. Your work is lovely. I've only painted two landscapes so far both are the same scene and really respect the fine detail that goes into portraits.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you for visiting Pencil Sanity and I appreciate your nice comments about my work. Faces are tough but I'm not giving up, lol.