Available Paintings

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Close Neighbors

Hello again, I painted this on Saturday while sitting at the arts fair, I like to keep busy and you know how I love to paint. This photo was taken here in town, a couple of sweet old houses that sit very close together. Oil on a 8 x 10 stretched canvas. I am busy painting small canvases for a show in March and I have the opening of "Dance with Me" this Saturday. I am really excited to be included, several people from my group submitted paintings but I was the only one accepted. See you soon

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Carol Blackburn said...

Well, congratulations are in order! I do hope you'll post some pictures of the show afterwards.
This one is really nice; certainly has that old town flavor.

Marie Theron said...

Small works are beautiful! By switching to smaller sizes I really pushed up my sales last year!

Congratulations on being chosen, Barbara!

Barbara Pask said...

Carol thank you so much, I will try to remember to take some photos Saturday night. "Try" is the word, lol.

Barbara Pask said...

Thanks Marie! I know the small paintings are more affordable , I just keep trying different things. Can't stop painting, that isn't an option!

Art with Liz said...

More beautiful houses!

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Liz, Yep, I'm at it again. :) Glad you like it.

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Barb, this is fabulous. The light is beautiful and the houses are charming!

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you very much Mary. Great of you to come by. :)