Hi, Well it was a long weekend. I spent Saturday morning accepting the paintings for the Festival and then several of us hung all of the paintings. Sunday I was there all day volunteering. I didn't win anything but had a great time visiting with folks. I rarely agree with the judges choices, unless they choose mine of course, lol. I know that some people that do not paint still have a good eye however I think the judge needs to appreciate the process of how you take a blank canvas and take it to a finished painting. They also need to understand good composition, value, edges etc. There! I'm done complaining, lol.
This painting was done looking at one of my reference photos, I'm not exactly sure where this house is. Someplace in Ohio while we were out and about. This is oil on a 6 x 6 Raymar panel.
Once I get through a few events I will be offering these little paintings on here or possibly Ebay.
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Have a wonderful day!