Hi there, These 3 little paintings were donated to Secret Artworks. The opening is the 18th so it's a secret until then. This is the third year I have entered paintings, this year it was by invitation only so I was honored they asked me to participate. These are all oil on 5x 7 panels. The way it works is people purchase tickets to attend the event for $125 each. You can attend the opening which include cocktails and appetizers and you get to take home one painting. We do not sign the front of the paintings and you do not know who the artist is until they take it off the wall. It's a fun event, people rush in looking for their favorite painting. They preview the art online and in the lobby of the Westin Hotel prior to the event. Not the best photo, I almost forgot to shoot them until the last minute but you can get the idea. This is the tacky box I carry some of my wet paintings around in, lol.
Please check out a few of my paintings on Ebay
Good of you to stop by~
New homes for three magical little paintings. Great work, Barb. So good of you to participate. I looked up the Artworks organization, and it sounds like a wonderful opportunity for the kids involved.
These are all delightful and will go quickly I am sure! What a fun event. It's obvious you live in an extremely art conscious community. Psssssst, btw, your secret is OUT! :)
These are great little paintings, Barbara! Sounds like an exciting event!
Thanks Josh, I hope someone does enjoy them.
Hi Dar, Good to see you. I'm glad you checked Artworks out, they do a lot of wonderful things.
Hi Debra, It sounds like you are in great place now too, some day I want to visit. Glad you like my little paintings.
Thanks so much Dean!
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