Available Paintings

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Portrait 11 X 14

Good Morning,  I painted this yesterday,  completed most of it while painting with my Monday morning painting group. I normally don't know what I am going to paint until the night before unless of course we are doing a still life together.  This image came out of a book on the old west,  it was a small black and white image.  Have to make up your skin tones when you do this and sometimes there isn't good lights and shadows in the photo either. Anyway I think I'm pretty happy with this,  she has an interesting look I think.  This is in oils on a 11 X 14 canvas panel.  Have a great day!


Dean H. said...

Very, very well done, Barbara! You should be proud of this one. The features have a nice softness of edges.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you so much Dean, what nice words you smooth talker you. Seriously I appreciate that so much.

Pattie Wall said...

Wow, putting skintones to a B & W is tricky, you did a great job, Barb!

Sheila Vaughan said...

Yes, she looks like she would be a really interesting lady to talk to Barbara. Good work!

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Pattie, fun to paint these old style portraits, glad you like it.

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Sheila, Thanks, I always appreciate you checking in on me. I love the series of paintings you have going, a similar feel to this....

Connie said...

Lovely skin tones and beautiful softness in the edges. Well done!

Barbara Pask said...

Hi there Connie, Nice to see you and I appreciate your nice complement.