Available Paintings

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Portrait from my workshop

I had my third and last day of the portrait workshop today. I really enjoyed it, Tom Post of Cincinnati Ohio was the teacher. It was a somewhat small class of five so he gave us quite a bit of attention. I like the idea of doing a loose impressionistic portrait of someone. Once you go tight everything has to be right on as you know if you paint portraits. I painted this portrait from a photo I took, I thought it had good light in it. Tom's approach is to keep things loose and check and check and check proportions, he says don't go tight too early you can always tighten up. Anyway here it is, I won't be posting the one from the second day as it's very similar to the first day. I can see a few things that aren't quite perfect but I still like the painting. I forgot to mention I painted it with a #12 bristle brush, all except the earrings.


Frank Gardner said...

I like this one even better than the first one Barb.
"Check and recheck proportions", good plan.

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Frank and welcome back. It's good have you visit again. I always welcome your input.

Susan Carlin said...

Way cool, Barb. So, has the portrait bug bitten big time?

Barbara Pask said...

I do like the idea of them being an impression of the person, I feel like I could do that. I just want to be able to paint people not necessarily people I know, if that makes sense. You are the inspiration for me wanting to try. I'm a Susan Carlin groupie, lol.

Dean H. said...

Good work, Barb. I like the look of this one best of all. Sounds as if you had a great instructor.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Dean. This one more fun to paint with the pose and those big earrings.

Sheila Vaughan said...

Barbara, absolutely beautiful colours and atmosphere in this portrait. Surely now you must want to do more?

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Sheila, I'm so pleased that you like this. It does make me want to more and I will.

laine lea said...

Really a nice one Barbara! The flesh tones are really good - what colors were used? Raw sienna and?, ? ?

Barbara Pask said...

Hi Laine, Ultramarine blue, cad yellow and cad red and white as needed. I sketched it in using burnt umber and a "big" brush, lol.

Jack Riddle said...

Barb--great pose to begin with and nicely done. #12 bristle! Terrific control.

Barbara Pask said...

Thank you Jack, it was fun to do and challenging with such a big brush. It forces you to stay loose though.